中国民俗之家 (CFHR) 是一家致力于促进中美文化和教育交流,并为华盛顿特区各个年龄段的学生提供精神反思、体验式教育和环境可持续发展项目场所的非营利组织。CFHR将作为一个体验交互式的博物馆,展示中国滇西北不同的文化、乡土建筑、农业、手工艺和民俗生活。
Dr. John Flower
Dr. Pamela Leonard
Dr. John Flower (Director, Sidwell Friends School Chinese Studies Program, Ph.D. University of Virginia) and Dr. Pamela Leonard (Ph.D. University of Cambridge), the founders of CFHR, have worked in partnership with the Linden Centre on the China Fieldwork Semester, an innovative experiential education program based in Xizhou, since 2014. The CFHR project is an extension of the China Fieldwork Semester program that will “bring China to the students” just as the semester program brings students to China. We hope that the project to rebuild the China Folk House will create a cultural bridge connecting the communities of greater Washington DC, Jefferson County, and northwest Yunnan.